The Leading Speakers Bureau » Yossi Ghinsberg

Nov 23 2015

Yossi Ghinsberg

Published by at 6:30 am under Motivational Speakers

Adventurer and Inspirational Speaker

Yossi GhinsbergIn the midst of the uncharted Amazon, after losing his three companions, Yossi was tested to the extreme, alone and bare to the bone, for three harrowing weeks of sheer survival against all odds. He lived to tell the amazing story as well as how the ordeal profoundly affected his understanding of himself and his life purpose.

“Yossi’s story is an inspiration and demonstrates clearly the strength of the human mind and what it is capable of achieving”

[expand title=”In detail”]
Ten years after his Amazon survival, Yossi returned to the Amazon and made it his home. Working with indigenous forest dwellers for three years they built Cha-la-lan, a model eco-tourism village that inspired the entire Amazon basin and the world. Yossi now travels the planet sharing his universal message of strength, hope and inspiration. Author of the international best-seller ‘Heart of the Amazon’, Yossi’s message is bound to touch your heart. [/expand]

[expand title=”What he offers you”]
Yossi challenges audiences on emotional as well as intellectual grounds. The results are outstanding growth, shift and breakthrough on professional, organisational and personal levels. He shows his audience how to:
– Think and live ‘outside of the box’ following ‘the laws of the jungle’.
– Meet fears and obstacles from a place of strength and wisdom.
– Ride on the waves of change: it is futile to resist them. [/expand]

[expand title=”How he presents”]
He is without doubt one of the most riveting storytellers and inspirational speakers in the world. He tailors his presentations to suit client’s individual needs. [/expand]


The Laws of the Jungle: Jaguars Don’t Read Self-help Books

Achieving Growth


Sailing the Seas of Change

The Power to Survive

Conservation of the Environment



Heart of the Amazon

Contact Yossi Ghinsberg for keynote speech:

To book Yossi Ghinsberg call:+ 359 888 308180

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