The Leading Speakers Bureau » Marissa Mayer

Jun 08 2015

Marissa Mayer

Published by at 6:30 am under Innovation and Creativity

Vice President, Search Products & User Experience, Google

Marissa MayerMarissa Mayer has been featured in numerous publications, including Newsweek (“10 Tech Leaders of the Future”), Red Herring (“15 Women to Watch”), Business 2.0 (“Silicon Valley Dream Team”), BusinessWeek, and Fast Company. In 2008, at 33, Marissa became the youngest woman ever to be included on Fortune’s Most Powerful Women list (#50). She leads Google’s product management efforts on search products – web search, images, news, books, products, maps, Google Earth, Google Toolbar, Google Desktop, Google Health, Google Labs and more.

“A powerful force inside the high-flying company”

[expand title=”In detail”]
Graduating with honours, Marissa received her bachelor’s degree in symbolic systems and her master’s degree in computer science from Stanford University. She joined Google in 1999 as Google’s first female engineer and led the user interface and web server teams at that time. Her efforts have included designing and developing Google’s search interface, internationalizing the site to more than 100 languages, defining Google News, Gmail, and Orkut, and launching more than 100 features and products on Several patents have been filed on her work in artificial intelligence and interface design. Concurrently with her full-time work at Google, Marissa has taught introductory computer programming classes at Stanford.[/expand]

[expand title=”What she offers you”]
Marissa Mayer lives by the old adage that if at first you don’t succeed, try again. In her insightful presentations she pushes aspiring business thinkers to breathe new life into failed ventures, as opposed to cutting the cord. Repackage, rejuvenate, re-market, and re-examine those products or practices you thought would fly, and craft them a new set of wings.


[expand title=”How she presents”]
Keen to uphold her reputation for being highly receptive, Marissa is a great listener and communicator, recognised for her teaching skills at Stanford. [/expand]

Watch a video presentation of Marissa Mayer




Ideas Come From Everywhere

Nine Lessons Learned about Creativity at Google

Artificial Intelligence

Interface Design

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