The Leading Speakers Bureau » Palle Riismoeller

Jan 19 2013

Palle Riismoeller

Published by at 6:30 am under Strategy speakers

Digital vendor, strategy expert

Palle Riismoeller SpeakerPalle Riismoeller is a serial digital entrepreneur with in depth knowledge of digital platforms, vendor selection processes, department change management and digital strategy implementation. He has first-hand knowledge from large scale multinational e-commerce platform projects with high Online Return On Investment (OROI) which is also the name of his company through 10 years.

“High end digital knowhow with first-hand experience”

[expand title=”In detail”]
Palle Riismoeller has worked with digital media since 1999, nominated for several digital awards and been a jury member for the last 3 years in several different committees including Danish E-commerce Association (FDIH). Palle have produced a wide range of e-commerce websites and been first-hand involved in more than 50 vendor processes in the European market. In 2011-2012 alone – Palle found suppliers for 42 companies and delivered a digital strategy including departmental changes for even more.[/expand]

[expand title=”What he offers you”]
In depth actual knowledge of a very wide range of digital productions presented in a way that is involving and straight forward. He makes sure that the subjects are relevant and up to date and if possible he uses insight and data based on actual knowledge of the audience. [/expand]

[expand title=”How he presents”]
Palle has presented in English in more than a decade and is used to be on stage. His always adapt to the audience and make sure that he has relevant cases in hand.[/expand]


Digital strategy

Vendor selection


Business case specification

Organizational anchoring

Project execution

Digital marketing

KPI monitoring


Børsen, CRM vendors

Markedsforing, e-commerce integrations

Markedsforing, CRM vendor selection

Børsen, Conference facilitator

Contact Palle Riismoeller for keynote speech:

To book Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland call: + 359 888
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