The Leading Speakers Bureau » Rajeev Peshawaria

Sep 26 2011

Rajeev Peshawaria

Published by at 6:30 am under Management

Human Capital Management Expert

Rajeev Peshawaria speakerRajeev Peshawaria is the CEO of the ICLIF Leadership & Governance Centre which provides executive education, advisory services and executive coaching to professionals and board directors in Asia, Middle East and Africa. Prior to joining ICLIF in April 2010, Rajeev spent twenty-two years at blue chip corporations and in his two most recent corporate positions he was the Global Chief Learning Officer at Morgan Stanley and The Coca-Cola Company. He was awarded Asia’s Emerging CEO of the Year at the 2nd Middle East Business Leaders Summit in association with the Federation of GCC Chambers in 2011.

“Leadership is a Special talent that goes far beyond just being a boss”

[expand title=”In detail”]
Before joining Coca-Cola, Rajeev was the head of Asia and Europe of the Pine Street Group, Goldman Sachs’s famed leadership development institute. For twelve years before Goldman, Rajeev held several positions at American Express finally ending his tenure there as the global director of Leadership Development programs. In the early years of his career, Rajeev was a currency trader with American Express and HSBC. Rajeev earned an MBA from Webster University, Vienna, Austria, and a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Bombay, India. [/expand]

[expand title=”What he offers you”]
Rajeev Peshawaria provides simple but powerful insights about the difference between leading and managing while becoming a highly-effective leader and peak performer. He has extensive global experience in leadership development and coaching senior management teams in their efforts to streamline business strategy, organisational architecture and culture. [/expand]

[expand title=”How he presents”]
Rajeev’s presentations are powerful and effective, delivered in a personal, yet highly professional style.[/expand]

Watch a video presentation of Rajeev Peshawaria


Personal Foundation for Leadership

Employee Engagement

Driving Sustainable Growth

A Brave New HR

Corporate Governance

Taking Charge

Triple Bottomline Corporate Universities


Too Many Bosses, Too Few Leaders

Contact Rajeev Peshawaria for keynote speech:

To book Rajeev Peshawaria call: + 359 888

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