The Leading Speakers Bureau » Krish Dhanam

Jun 10 2011

Krish Dhanam

Published by at 6:30 am under Customer service,Indian keynote speakers

Recognized Expert in Human Engineering and Human Development

Krish Dhanam speakerKrish Dhanam is a recognized expert in the field of human engineering and human development. He is the author of ‘The American Dream from an Indian Heart’ and contributing author to ‘Top Performance’ written by Zig Ziglar. His client list is the who’s who of global enterprise and he has received accolades from some of the most distinguished organizations including, The United States Army, Christian Dior, etc. His current assignments include functioning as Vice President of Consulting and Business Development for Ziglar True Performance and Co-founder of Krish Dhanam Training International.

“Krish beat our expectations” Mark Wyatt, Senior Vice President, U.S. Foodservice

[expand title=”In detail”]
Krish Dhanam joined the Zig Ziglar Corporation in the sales department in October of 1991. Through speaking and teaching the timeless principles of its legendary founder Zig Ziglar, Krish soon embarked on a career that has seen him facilitate workshops and conduct seminars all over the world.[/expand]

[expand title=”What he offers you”]
Krish’s background, experience and wisdom that comes only by climbing your way to the top, position him perfectly to teach and inspire organizations. He motivates people to have a “can do” attitude and to approach problems proactively from their own initiative. Krish delivers his message of hope, humour and balance worldwide.[/expand]

[expand title=”How he presents”]
Travelling the world Krish inspires and informs his audiences with a fresh perspective, a passionate style, and knowledge beyond his years.[/expand]

Watch a video presentation of Krish Dhanam



Change Management

Customer Service



Sales Motivation




The American Dream from an Indian Heart

Top Performance: How to Develop Excellence in Yourself and Others. Co-author

Contact Krish Dhanam for keynote speech:

To book Krish Dhanam call: + 359 888

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