The Leading Speakers Bureau » Don Peppers

May 07 2010

Don Peppers

Published by at 6:30 am under Business Development,Customer service

Peppers and Rogers Group

Don Peppers - Business Development speakerDon Peppers is a founding partner of the Peppers and Rogers Group, the world’s leading customer-focused management consulting firm. Accenture’s Institute for Strategic Change ranked him as a top thinker and writer on management topics. He was also selected as a member of the International Direct Marketing’s Hall of Fame.

“The innovator most likely to create visionary ripple effects” World Technology Network

[expand title=”In detail”]
He capped his advertising career as the CEO of Perkins/Butler Direct Marketing, a top twenty US direct marketing agency. A popular voice among editors and the media, he is co-author of a series of international best sellers that have collectively sold over a million copies.[/expand]

[expand title=”What he offers you”]
By facilitating the identification of your most valuable customers, he sets the foundations for you to model effective customer focussed strategies. With a comprehensive path to increasing customer satisfaction you will have a crucial ingredient for developing a successful business strategy.[/expand]

[expand title=”How he presents”]
Clarity is the name of his game; he strips out the jargon and gives you a tailored overview of the latest thinking.[/expand]

What our clients are saying

“Don gave a very relevant and interesting presentation, delivered with power and energy. The audience was very pleased with the content-Independent Business Publishers”

Watch a video presentation of Don Peppers



Mass Customisation

Electronic Commerce

Competing in the Interactive Age

One Customer at a Time: the one-to-one future of marketing


Return on Customer: Creating and Maximising Value from Your Scarcest Resource

One to One B2B: Customer Development Strategies for the Business-to-Business World

The One to One Manager

The One to One Field Book

Enterprise One to One: Tools for Competing in the Interactive Age

Life’s a Pitch, Then You Buy

The One to One Future: Building Relationships One Customer at a Time

Contact Don Peppers for keynote speech:

To book Don Peppers call: + 359 888

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