The Leading Speakers Bureau » Louis Palmer

Nov 11 2009

Louis Palmer

Swiss Adventurer & Global Warming speaker, Humanitarian & Inventor & Creator of the Solartaxi

Louis Palmer speaker Louis Palmer, a Swiss school teacher, made world history as the first man who has ever circumnavigated the world with a car powered by renewable energy. His message has reached more than 700 million people all over the world. The tour’s mission was to spread knowledge about the dangers of global warming and to demonstrate to the world that solutions are available to combat global warming. He is definitely a man with a mission.

Around the world using solar power: 53451 km through 38 countries (2007 – 2008)

[expand title=”In detail”]
Among his other projects that see Hungarian born Louis Palmer regularly give up his ordinary life and finish his job as a teacher he wanted to fill the the gap between a car and a motorcycle with the solar taxi. He set off on a world tour in his solar powered vehicle in July 2007 and after 17 gruelling months his around-the-world trip was completed, having travelled 32,000 miles and across 40 countries. In 1996 he started a journey across the US with an ultralight airplane, in 1999 he was a tour observer at the World Solar Challenge in Australia, in 2001 he crossed Asia by car and in 2003 he led a tourist group across Afghanistan to raise money for the reconstruction of the Arkandi School.[/expand]

[expand title=”What he offers you”]
Louis Palmer talks openly and freely to worldwide audiences about his historical journey. The ultimate goal was quite simple: to show the world that renewable energy is a viable solution to global warming. Hearing the stories of how the project came together and how it evolved, audiences are amazed at how the efforts of a single man could bring someone so far and deliver the message to hundreds of millions of spectators. With a truly inspiring speech, Louis speaks of his adventures and describes the numerous obstacles he came across, most of which seemed quite amusing in retrospect.[/expand]

[expand title=”How he presents”]
Louis Palmer stimulates the interest of his audiences and is recognised for his innovative vision, sense of humour and conviction.[/expand]


Renewable Energies

Global Warming

The Solartaxi

Drought and Climate Change

Environmental Issues

The Next Level: the Zero Emissions Race in 2009/2010

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