The Leading Speakers Bureau » Prof. Guy Sorman

Sep 28 2009

Prof. Guy Sorman

Published by at 7:29 am under China and Asia,Economy and Finance

One of the leading European liberal economists, Global adviser for the President of South Korea and Chair the India France economic council

Guy Sorman speakerProf. Guy Sorman is considered one of the leading European liberal economists. He has held several public offices, including advisor to the prime minister of France (1995-1997), Member of the National Commission for Human Rights and deputy mayor of Boulogne (since 1995), near Paris. In 2008, he was appointed as Global adviser for the President of South Korea. Since 2000 he chairs the India France economic council, since 2007 a syndicated columnist for Project Syndicate and since 2009 he is the President of the Boulogne – Billancourt Economic Council.

“A leading French thinker”

[expand title=”In detail”]
Guy Sorman has been awarded the highest Argentinian and Brazilian distinctions: The Order of May and the Southern Cross. He taught economics at the Paris Institute of Political Sciences from 1970 to 2000 and at many other Universities over the globe. In 1985, he was a visiting scholar at Stanford, Hoover Institution. He is a regular columnist for Le Figaro in France, the Wall Street Journal and City Journal (contributing editor) in the US, Dong A in Korea, Fakt in Poland , La Nacion in Argentina, and other publications around the world. In 1975, Guy Sorman founded Editions Sorman, a publishing company specialized in Economics and Legal affairs.[/expand]

[expand title=”What he offers you”]
Guy Sorman has renovated classic liberalism by showing how it could lead any country towards growth, in any civilization: culture, religion, tradition, even political institutions. He explains how obstacles to development can be overcome when the right economic policy is implemeted. He advises governments and organisations worldwide on the importance of a rational and economically sound answer to ecological anxieties.[/expand]

[expand title=”How he presents”]
Human rights leader, Government advisor and leading economist, Guy Sorman expertly provides his worldwide audiences with whole new perspective on economics, China, India and other global issues.[/expand]

Watch a video presentation of Guy Sorman



How Economics has Become a Science

Global Economic Development

The Future of China & India as Economic Powerhouses

China and How it is Socially Developing as a Nation

Dealing with Ecological Anxieties

Globalization & Economics

The US Leadership in Times of Crisis


Economics doesn’t lie, in defense of the free market in a time of crisis

The Empire of lies, the truth about China

The Genius of India (the very first book on contemporary India)

French Happiness: Memoirs of a French economist (a sort of intellectual autobiography)

The true thinkers of our times

The new wealth of nations

The free market solution (La Solution libérale) – A worldwide bestseller

The American conservative revolution (Guy’s first book, an instant bestseller and a scientific breakthrough praised by President Ronald Reagan)

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