The Leading Speakers Bureau » Martha Rogers

Jul 22 2009

Martha Rogers

International Marketing Strategist, Co-Founder of the Peppers and Rogers Group

 Martha Rogers speaker Dr Martha Rogers is an outstanding personality in the fields of managing customer relationships and interactive marketing. Together with Don Peppers she founded the Peppers and Rogers Group, a management consulting firm, recognised at the world’s leading authority on customer-based business strategy. She is co-author of the revolutionary ‘The One To One Future’ and a series of business books that further develop the unique one-to-one methodology espoused by the Peppers and Rogers Group.

Acknowledged as thought leaders around the world, Don Peppers and Martha Rogers were recognised in 2001 by the World Technology Network

[expand title=”In detail”]
Martha began her professional career as a copywriter and advertising executive after her studies of Telecommunications and Marketing. She earned her Ph.D. at University of Tennessee as a Bickel fellow. She is an Adjunct Professor at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University. She is also a member of the Advisory Board of the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University.[/expand]

[expand title=”What she offers you”]
As a leading expert, visionary and educator Dr Rogers helps companies to place themselves advantageously by demonstrating the rapidly growing variations of Marketing, Customer Service and Sales.[/expand]

[expand title=”How she presents”]
Martha is always guaranteed a standing ovation for her groundbreaking One to One customer relationships lectures. She is an outstanding speaker who inspires audiences at corporate events around the globe.[/expand]

Watch a video presentation of Martha Rogers



One to One Customer Relations



Customer Service





Return on Customer: Creating and Maximising Value from Your Scarcest Resource

One to One B2B

The One to One Fieldbook: The Complete Toolkit for Implementing a One to One Marketing Program

Enterprise One to One: Tools for Competing in the Interactive Age

The One to One Future: Building Relationships One Customer at a Time

Contact Martha Rogers for keynote speech:

To book Martha Rogers call: + 359 888

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