The Leading Speakers Bureau » Lode Beckers

Oct 22 2008

Lode Beckers

Published by at 1:00 am under Economy and Finance

Authority on EU Enlargement and the Strategic Relevance of the Euro

Lode Beckers is an international financier and banker. After a 28-year corporate banking career with Citibank in 7 countries, Lode became a board member in two private banks – in Belgium and France -, while founding LOBO N.V., a fund management firm and consulting firm focusing on Euro-related strategic and organisational matters.

Over the past 6 years, trade and industry federations, governments and leading corporations frequently called upon Lode’s expertise in assessing the impact of the Euro on business with European trade partners and in the European Single Market area.

[expand title=”In detail”]
Currently Lode is chairman and Managing Director of a Brussels-based consulting firm advising companies on strategies to adopt following the introduction of the Euro and the emergence of an effective single market in Europe. In addition he is one of the members of the EU-chartered Groupeuro’s group of experts mandated by the EU Commission to inform various professional audiences of the effects of the single European currency.

While acting as a presenter and company director, Lode Beckers continued to be a board member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Belgium. He also held teaching assignments at the Universities of Leuven, Paris X (Nanterre), and St. Petersburg (Russia). Lode holds Law and Political Science degrees from the University of Leuven. He is an alumni of Wharton’s International Forum and obtained an AMP certification from INSEAD (Fr.).[/expand]

[expand title=”What he offers you”]
Since Lode started his consulting firm LOBO, he has contributed to the success of over 300 conferences, corporate off site meetings, and seminars. His lively presentation style and his long-standing personal expertise have made him a highly rated guest speaker and discussion panel director at major corporate gatherings or client events.[/expand]

Lode speaks fluently in English, French, Dutch and German.


Enlargement of the European Union

Private Banking Developments

Post-Merger and Post Acquisition Management

Business Trends in Europe

Strategic Relevance of the Euro in the European Single Market

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