The Leading Speakers Bureau » Michael Johnson

Jun 16 2008

Michael Johnson

Published by at 6:30 am under Motivational Speakers,Sports speakers

Olympic Sprinter and Gold Medallist

Michael Johnson is quite simply one of the greatest athletes on the planet, and one of the best ever. His place in history was sealed at the Atlanta Olympics, during which he won an unprecedented 200 meters and 400 meters sprint double. Winning the double in Atlanta was impressive enough, but it was the nature of the victories, particularly in the 200m, which made Johnson’s name forever.

“Michael Johnson was the most eminent figure in athletics in the
1990’s” Wikepedia

[expand title=”In detail”]
From a very young age, Michael always loved running and sport. Always the fastest amongst his friends, he never dreamed he would be a world record holder and Olympic gold medallist. No-one else before or since has come near his time of 19.32 seconds in the 200 meters.[/expand]

[expand title=”What he offers you”]
Michael offers audiences an insight into how his competitive nature and love of sport have made him a winner. He shows exactly what it takes to become a champion and how to reach the top.[/expand]


Competing and Winning

Dominating the Field

Achieving Peak Performance

Career Highlights

1991 World Champion (200 meters)
1992 Olympic Champion (4×400 meter relay)
1993 USA Champion (400 meters)
1993 World Champion (400 meters)
1993 World Champion (4×400 meter relay)
1995 World Champion (200 meters)
1995 World Champion (400 meters)
1996 Olympic and World Champion (200 meters)
1996 Olympic and World Champion (400 meters)
1997 World Champion (400 meters)
1999 World Champion (400 meters)
1999 World Champion (4×400 meter relay)

Contact Michael Johnson for keynote speech:

To book Michael Johnson call: + 359 888

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