The Leading Speakers Bureau » Barbara Krug

Oct 01 2014

Barbara Krug

Published by at 6:30 am under Economy and Finance

Expert on Economic Developments in China and the Far East

Barbara KrugProfessor Barbara Krug is a leading expert on economic developments in China and the Far East. She has carried out many years of scientific and economic research which has contributed to the greater understanding of these regions and helped to improve East/West relations. Barbara has also been lecturing since 1981 at the University of Saarbrücken and is a visiting Professor at a number of seats of learning around the globe.

“Europe’s leading expert on the economic evolution of China”

[expand title=”In detail”]
Following her Business Studies degree she studied Chinese at the National Taiwan University and carried out research at the university’s Institute for International Relations. Since 1996 she has been carrying out research on Township and Village Enterprises in conjunction with the Chinese-European International Business School (CEIBS).[/expand]

[expand title=”What she offers you”]
Barbara Krug is widely recognised as one of the world’s leading experts in her field with over twenty years experience in the research and assessment of the development of emerging Asian nations and specifically the Chinese economic evolution. She is in the privileged position to be able to offer, corporations wishing to do business in the Far East, access to a wealth of data and information.[/expand]

[expand title=”How she presents”]
An experienced lecturer and excellent communicator, her presentations are filled with invaluable solutions and ideas to inspire decision makers from all fields.[/expand]


The Development of the Emerging Asian Nations

International Political Organisations

Economic Integration

The EU and the Pacific Rim (ASEAN)

What Can Be Learnt From the Economic Changes in China

Private Enterprise in China

European/Asian Trade

Contact Barbara Krug for keynote speech:

To book Barbara Krug call: + 359 888 308180

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