The Leading Speakers Bureau » Dr Hal Gregersen

Feb 09 2014

Dr Hal Gregersen

Published by at 6:30 am under Globalization,Leadership,TED speakers

Professor of Leadership at INSEAD

Dr Hal Gregersen SpeakerDr Hal Gregersen’s vocation is executive teaching, coaching, consulting and research, centres on leading innovation, change, and globalisation. Dr Gregersen’s forthcoming book, ‘The Innovator’s DNA’ flows from a path-breaking international research project which explores the fundamental question of where disruptive innovations come from and what roles senior executives, managers, and employees play in the creation of highly innovative teams and organisations. The insights on innovation surfaced from interviews with founder entrepreneurs and current CEOs, in-depth case studies of the world’s 25 most innovative companies and The Innovator’s DNA survey assessments of 3500 high performing entrepreneurs, managers, and inventors. He is also exploring how well the Innovator’s DNA skills may also drive social entrepreneur success

“An authority of modern leadership”

[expand title=”In detail”]
Before joining INSEAD, Dr Gregersen taught at the London Business School and other highly acclaimed institutions. He has written for various global journals including the Harvard Business Review and his research has been highlighted on CNN and in Across the Board, Business Week, Fortune, Psychology Today, and The Wall Street Journal. Dr Gregersen has received several awards for teaching excellence as well as the Ascendant Scholar Award from the Western Academy of Management for research excellence. [/expand]

[expand title=”What he offers you”]
Hal Gregersen expertly communicates his fascination with how leaders in business and society generate provocative ideas with powerful impact. Putting his research on leading innovation, strategic change, and globalisation to practice and steers senior executives through the complexities of modern leadership and delivers a powerful framework for transforming old patterns of action into new strategic direction, emphasizing what matters most – people. His listeners will understand the real dynamics a leader must manage by focusing on people, where the real change must occur.[/expand]

[expand title=”How he presents”]
Hal Gregersen’s powerful presentations are rich in content, and delivered with insightful clarity, precision and intelligent humour.[/expand]

Watch a video presentation of Hal Gregersen



Leading Innovations


Leading Strategic Change

Organisational Change


The Innovator’s DNA

It Starts with One: Changing Individuals Changes Organisations

Leading Strategic Change: Breaking Through the Brain Barrier

Global Explorers: The Next Generation of Leaders

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To book Dr Hal Gregersen call: + 359 888

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