The Leading Speakers Bureau » Kia Scherr

Jul 27 2011

Kia Scherr

Published by at 6:30 am under Spiritual, New Age and Esoteric,Women Speakers

Author, Esoteric speaker

Kia Scherr speaker Kia Scherr is a compelling and passionate speaker. She stunned the world when she forgave the terrorists who killed her husband, Alan, and 13-year old daughter, Naomi in Mumbai on November 26, 2008, known as 26/11. Kia is a co-founder of One Life Alliance, along with Synchronicity Foundation Director, Master Charles Cannon, who survived the Mumbai attacks.

“Love is the only more powerful force than fear. Love is the only more powerful force than hate.Kia stood in the midst of the most horrific circumstances. I have great admiration for her.” Marianne Williamson

[expand title=”In detail”]
Kia has been a meditation teacher for over thirty years. Originally starting with Transcendental Meditation, she rose to the position of national executive council member for the organization, directing hundreds of people through intensive retreat protocols. For over a decade, she has taught the Synchronicity High Tech meditation program taking on the leading role as the retreat coordinator and presenter at the Synchronicity Foundation. She has been a meditation facilitator, coaching a worldwide audience in High Tech Meditation, as well as a key participant in the mentoring program.[/expand]

[expand title=”What she offers you”]
Kia recently wrote and self-published an e-book, Honoring the Sacredness of Life – 30 Ways for 30 Days.
The book is the basis for an online course and will be introduced in schools throughout the U.S. Translations are planned for a dozen countries in the coming year. Kia’s second book is a memoir and will be released in 2012.[/expand]

[expand title=”How she presents”]
Kia beautifully takes the personal search for forgiveness and peace and makes it, through her own heart and experience, accessible to every soul. If she can do it – despite the terrible loss of her own husband and child – then so can we. When Kia shares with us, we know this is true and that love prevails in this world. Kia has been speaking to interfaith and non-sectarian groups, as well as peace organizations throughout the past two years, since 26/11[/expand]

Watch a video presentation of Kia Scherr


Inspiration – Honoring the Sacredness of Life

Leadership: Love is the Way

Thirty Days to Your Own Sacredness Practice

Building International Community

Transforming and Counter-Balancing Behaviors

Beyond Surviving Terrorism


30 Days to Honor Sacredness of Life

Contact Kia Scherr for keynote speech:

To book Kia Scherr call: + 359 888

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