The Leading Speakers Bureau » 2011 » April

Archive for April, 2011

Apr 01 2011

Joe Flower

Published by under Futurists

Visionary Healthcare Futurists

Joe Flower speaker Joe Flower is one of the most respected voices in the healthcare industry, a provocative thought leader on the deep forces changing healthcare who has been immersed in the details of healthcare for 30 years. He is a bridge, an interpreter, a communicator, a motivator with a vision from 50,000 feet as to where the current trends may be heading. For over 20 years he was a contributing editor and regular columnist at the Healthcare Forum Journal. He continues to explore the future of healthcare with an extraordinary variety of other players across healthcare.

“Joe’s specialty is drawing practical ideas from the “big picture” vision”

[expand title=”In detail”]
Joe Flower was a contributing writer for Wired Magazine in its early years and a columnist for the pioneering health websites and His research into the nature of change in organizations and people led to interviews with the top thinkers on organizational change, from Peter Drucker to Peter Senge and Ari de Geus. He went deeper, into the study of chaos and systems theory, Eastern thought and martial arts, eventually earning a black belt in Ueshiba Aikido. For 12 years he has written a regular column for Physician Executive, the Journal of the American College of Physician Executives. He was a founding member of the International Health Futures Network and the principal author of the landmark healthcare forecast, ‘Technological Advances and the Next 50 Years of Cardiology’ Journal of the American College of Cardiology (vol. 35, no. 4, 2000).[/expand]

[expand title=”What he offers you”]
Among the earliest denizens of cyberspace, Joe Flower speaks at prestigious events for organisations both inside and outside healthcare because of how deeply and broadly this changing industry is affecting everyone. Given that he tracks international trends, partly as a way to understand the US system better, he has brought value to organizations in countries as widespread as Canada, the UK and China. Among his many clients are the World Health Organization, the Global Business Network, most U.S. state hospital associations and the UK National Health Service.[/expand]

[expand title=”How he presents”]
Joe expertly communicates many examples of intelligent adaptation in the industry and ways in which entrepreneurs, investors, business leaders and professionals can take their own steps to make a uniquely influential difference to the future of healthcare right now. Tailoring each presentation, he can draw that future image for each segment of the industry and each market. A do not miss speaker! He stimulates, challenges, inspires and educates elite groups.[/expand]
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