The Leading Speakers Bureau » Viviane Reding – Microsite

Nov 12 2014

Viviane Reding – Microsite

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About Viviane Reding

Viviane Reding is a formidable force in the world of European politics. She completed 3 terms as a member of the European Government becoming the First Vice President and EU Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship. In 2014, following the European elections Viviane has successfully taken up her seat in the European Parliament.

Viviane Reding keynotesViviane has addressed many questions of central importance for the challenges faced by citizens and businesses alike; from ways to deal with free movement restrictions and citizenship rights to the role of the EU in safeguarding the rule of law across the European Union to help foster a common European Area of Justice. Viviane has also been instrumental in working towards the General Data Protection Regulation to ensure the political will, which is crucial for success, is maintained.

Viviane’s solid political experience will serve her well in this new role, having served 10 years in the Luxembourg Parliament and then 10 years in the European Parliament, before becoming the EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport; then subsequently becoming the EU Commissioner for Information Society and Media, where she was instrumental in reforming the European telecom sector.

For more about Viviane please click here.

For advice on booking Viviane please call +359 888 308180 or send an email to


“My aim is that – apart from an EU minister of Justice and a strong European Court of Justice – all our judiciaries work together on the same legal basis. How great it will be to live on this continent!”

Viviane Reding

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